The Second WJF European (Open) Championships,
November 14-15, 2015
Team JFAUK are sending a team of 5 competitors to take part in the WJF European Championships Representing the UK will be 2013 WJF European Champion, Samuel Charalambous (-71kg), Jason Baird (-75kg), Sampson Sampson (-79kg), Lawrence Delanban (-87kg), Ross Elliot (100kg+) and Morgan Class-Kirtley (-69kg) in the junior category.
The event is jointly organised by the Federation of Traditional Judo of Italy (FIJT) and Judo For All UK (JFAUK) under the auspices of World Judo Federation (WJF) that has enshrined the very concepts of Traditional Kodokan judo and “judo for all” in its founding documents.
The event will also host a training seminar. The seminar and the contests planned by the organising committee will be conducted under the guidance and recommendations of the European Technical Committee of the World Judo Federation and in adherence to the concepts of Traditional Kodokan Judo.